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Top 200 Influencers in the Home Design Industry 2017

Cristina Miguelez

Published on January 3, 2017


Top 200 Influencers in the Home Design Industry 2017

The experts who feature in our top 200 list are at the forefront of the construction industry, setting trends, and inspiring others.

To provide you with the most accurate and up-to-date information, we consult a number of sources when producing each article, including licensed contractors and industry experts.

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We’ve already brought you the top 200 influencers in the construction industry – now we’ve compiled a list of the top 200 influencers in the home design industry from around the U.S. We’ve based our selections on their presence online, their social media activity, and on the awards they’ve won, just like before. Listed alphabetically for easy perusing, we’ve also included their contact and website information as well, so you can learn more about them and their work.

You can see the full list [here](https://docs.google.com/a/fixr.com/spreadsheets/d/1n5QQMe8sMMASTj7TQZD2sGAcEOk4VGgZbaefgTlMfwY/edit?usp=sharing" target="_blank).

Who Are the Influencers

Our list of home design influencers consists of nation-wide industry experts including interior designers, home stagers, home designers, and other home design specialists. We’ve found them through their contributions to blogs, news, and social media, selecting them based on criteria such as how big their online following is and often their name or business appears in top industry lists, as well as for awards they’ve won.

Why You Should Know About Them

The home design industry doesn’t change on its own; it’s the people at the very forefront of the design world who are dictating the colors, materials, designs, and styles that shape the way we live and work in our homes and offices.

If you’ve already checked out our list of the top construction influencers for 2017, you may also want to learn who the top influencers in the home design industry will be in the new year as well, particularly if you are:

  • Someone who works in the home design industry, and needs to keep up with the latest styles and trends
  • Someone interested in designing or decorating their home, or purchasing a new one
  • Anyone who is interested in home design and construction, and the way these fields constantly change

By staying in touch with industry influencers, you can keep your finger on the pulse of the field, seeing trends as they emerge and helping your clients achieve the freshest looks possible. This will help put you in demand as someone who’s in touch with the latest trends, and will enable you to help predict trends and fads of the future on your own.

Moreover, keeping up to date with industry influencers has added benefits, including:

  • New relationships that can help grow your business
  • Introductions to brands and forums that may be of relevance to you
  • Up to date information about your target audience, allowing you to change and adjust your approach to better meet their needs

We hope you’ll use this list of the top 200 influencers in the home design industry to help explore where home design is heading next. When you’re in touch with those who drive the industry, you stand a better chance of helping to drive it yourself.

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