Shaun Carr

Area Sales Manager, Roof Master & Construction
Shaun is the Area Sales Manager at Roof Master where he leads the team of sales professionals in assessing hail restoration claims and advising customers on the best roofing solutions for their needs. Shaun is a third generation roofer with experience in everything from architectural shingles to metal roof systems and specialty products, such as Duro-Last membrane systems for flat roof applications.
See Website Editorial Methodology partners with a wide variety of experts in different fields of home improvement and design: general contractors, interior designers, construction material manufacturers and DIY experts, among others. editors work closely with them to ensure our information is accurate, up to date, and based on the latest research. Experts answer questions, review cost information or add advice and suggestions based on their experience and knowledge of their specific area of expertise. We also check specialized publications, cost studies, and U.S. government reports. Learn more about our editorial process and sources.