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How Long Does Vinyl Siding Last?

Written by Joe Roberts , Edited by Gianna Cappuccio

Published on May 20, 2024


How Long Does Vinyl Siding Last?

Vinyl siding typically only lasts 20 to 30 years. Read our guide to learn how to extend its life and what to do once it deteriorates.

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Vinyl is the most popular exterior siding material in the United States, but not because it’s the most durable. On average, standard vinyl siding will only last around 20 to 30 years. This makes it one of the shortest-lived siding materials, though insulated vinyl siding reinforced with foam insulation can last a decade or two longer.

Despite its short life expectancy, many homeowners are drawn to vinyl because of its low maintenance and—most importantly for the budget-conscious—cost-effectiveness. It typically only costs $6,753 to $12,287 to replace a home’s siding with new vinyl. Replacing vinyl once or twice over 50 years can be more affordable than getting a longer-lasting material like wood or steel.

To learn more about vinyl siding, keep reading! We’ll tell you all you need to know about vinyl siding’s longevity, how to extend its life, and what to do when it deteriorates.

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Vinyl siding’s lifespan compared to other siding materials

Siding material type

Typical lifespan

Siding replacement costs

Vinyl siding

20+ years


Aluminum siding

30–40 years


Fiber cement siding

50 years


Steel siding

50+ years


Wood siding

20–40 years


With proper maintenance, almost any siding option will last a decade or two longer than vinyl. However, most require a lot more maintenance and are also substantially more expensive, so vinyl siding installation is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to refresh your home’s exterior and increase its curb appeal. 

It’s worth noting, though, that fiber cement siding—like James Hardie’s Hardie® Board—is much more durable than vinyl and can sometimes cost less. Though exact prices depend on local market conditions, vinyl may be your region's most affordable siding material. To find out which siding will cost you the least, get quotes for both vinyl and fiber cement when you meet with a contractor.

Signs it’s time to replace your vinyl siding

Just because vinyl siding typically lasts 20 to 30 years doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll need to replace it after two or three decades. As long as your climate isn’t especially harsh and you keep up with the required regular siding maintenance, your vinyl could last up to 40 years. 

To know if your vinyl requires replacement or if it’s fine for now, regularly inspect the material for these signs of damage:


Discolored vinyl siding on a homeImage source: Reddit

Because vinyl is a type of plastic, it’s susceptible to heat and UV rays. Hot weather and frequent sun exposure can cause the material to fade over time. While this won’t necessarily leave your home more vulnerable to rain, wind, or snow, it can look very unsightly, especially if it fades unevenly. 

This discoloration can drastically decrease your home’s curb appeal and resale value, so it might be time to replace (or paint) the material if you're noticing substantial discoloration. 

Be aware, though, that dust buildup can sometimes look like discoloration. Before scheduling with a siding contractor, dust any off-color siding with a soft-bristle brush to determine if it’s faded or needs cleaning

Cracks, holes, and missing pieces

Cracked vinyl sidingImage source: Reddit

Like roofing shingles, your home’s siding protects its internal structure, so even small holes and dents in the cladding will leave your whole house more vulnerable to water damage, termites, high winds, and other extreme weather. 

Exposed sections of your home’s structure will also make your home less energy efficient by leaking heat, thereby increasing your heating and cooling costs. 

This makes it essential to quickly put even minimal damage right. Repair or replace missing or cracked vinyl panels as soon as you notice them.

Pro tip

It’s possible to install vinyl siding yourself to save a little money on labor costs, but DIY work is never as durable as work done by professionals, and it rarely looks as good. We highly recommend paying for professional siding replacement to ensure proper installation of your new vinyl.


Warped vinyl siding on a residential homeImage source:  Reddit

Vinyl expands and contracts as temperatures fluctuate; even high-quality vinyl siding can melt in extreme temperatures. This means that harsh sunlight can warp and buckle vinyl siding panels over time, creating sections that expose your home’s structure and make it look terrible.

If parts of your vinyl siding are noticeably sagging, wavy, or otherwise bent out of shape, you should quickly replace them. 

It’s also worth noting that vinyl isn’t the best material for especially hot, sunny climates. If the sun has melted your vinyl siding, you may want to consider replacing it with something better suited to strong sunlight, such as fiber cement, stucco, or metal. 

Underlying rot, rust, and mold

Image source: Reddit

Vinyl is an inorganic, non-metallic material that doesn’t rot, rust, or mold. However, moisture that seeps between vinyl panels can cause extensive water damage to your home’s internal structure.

This can look like mold or mildew on wood, rusting nails, and other types of deterioration that will make themselves known with unpleasant smells, nasty splotches, and conspicuous bulges in the vinyl. 

Unfortunately, damage like this won’t be obvious quickly, so once you notice it, it’s probably too late to save the underlying materials. You shouldn’t wait since the damage will spread if left unaddressed. Quickly hire a contractor to replace the rotten materials and install fresh, new siding over them.

How to care for vinyl siding and prolong its life

Vinyl is one of the most low-maintenance types of siding on the residential market, which is part of the reason it’s such a popular choice. However, the material still needs some upkeep to ensure it lasts as long as possible. Here’s a quick list of routine maintenance tasks that will prolong the life of your vinyl siding:

  • Clean the siding with a soapy solution annually (but never use a pressure washer).

  • Rinse the siding regularly with your garden hose.

  • Clear debris (fallen leaves, branches, etc.) off your roof.

  • Clean your gutters once per season.

  • Make necessary repairs to your siding as quickly as possible.

For more information about cleaning and maintenance, check out our guide to the proper care of vinyl siding

Repairing vs. replacing old vinyl siding

Siding usually doesn’t deteriorate at the same rate across a house. Differences in sun exposure, wind patterns, leaks in gutters, cleaning routines, and the location of your yard’s trees can all damage small portions of your siding without harming the rest of it. 

Depending on the size and placement of damaged sections—and the availability of replacement materials in the same color and brand as your existing siding—you can sometimes opt for small-scale siding repairs instead of replacing all of your siding at once. 

On average, repairing 10 square feet of vinyl siding costs between $5 and $9. However, these costs don’t account for remedying damage to your home’s underlying structure. Unfortunately, the costs of necessary structural repairs can only be determined by a contractor who’s inspected the damage.

Of course, if a sizable portion of your siding is damaged and you’re ready to refresh your home’s exterior anyway, now might be the perfect time to replace all of your cladding, even if some of the material could limp along for a few more years. That way, you can reset the timer on your whole siding system’s lifespan in one go.

How to find a vinyl siding contractor

You now know how long your vinyl siding should last, what damage to watch out for, and how to prolong the material’s life. If you’ve determined that your siding needs repair or replacement, let us help you find a qualified contractor to tackle the job. Use the form below to find the best siding installers in your area.

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Vinyl siding FAQ

Most homeowners find they need to replace their vinyl siding every 20 to 30 years. This is just an average range, though. Depending on your local climate and how well you care for the material, your vinyl could last longer (or not as long) as what we’ve projected here.

To know if your vinyl needs renovation, regularly inspect it for these warning signs: Visible cracks in the material - Missing pieces - Discoloration - Warping - Signs of underlying rot - Higher than average energy bills These signs of damage and wear should be easy to spot, and they could indicate that it’s time to get your vinyl siding either repaired or replaced. If none of these issues are showing up, your vinyl is probably fine for now.

Yes, painting over your vinyl siding can extend its life by a decade or two if you do it properly, and you can repaint vinyl every couple years. However, if you use improper paint for the job, you could actually destroy the material prematurely and void its manufacturer’s warranty, so be careful.

Written by

Joe Roberts Content Specialist

Joe is a home improvement expert and content specialist for Fixr.com. He’s been writing home services content for over eight years, leveraging his research and composition skills to produce consumer-minded articles that demystify everything from moving to remodeling. His work has been sourced by various news sources and business journals, including Nasdaq.com and USA Today. When he isn’t writing about home improvement or climate issues, Joe can be found in bookstores and record shops.