
Average Cost for Walls

Walls are an integral part of every home. They may be drywall, brick, or plaster, and they may be finished in a broad range of decorative options or simply given a coat of paint. Many home projects involve your walls in one way or another, whether you need to remove one to make room for a larger kitchen or add walls for a home addition.

Because there are so many different types and finishes for walls, they can have a wide range of associated costs for erecting, removing, repairing, and finishing. The number of walls and their location also have an impact on your final project.

Labor costs for any wall-related project also vary, depending on the material and what you are having done. The average labor costs to drywall a room are around $1 to $3/sq.ft. The labor costs to remove a non-load-bearing wall average $210 and can go as high as $3,000 if a structural engineer is needed to help remove a load-bearing one.

$450 - $550
$2,000 - 4,000
$1,600 - $3,500
$200 - $550
$3,000 - $4,500
$1,200 - $5,000
$800 - $1,200
$650 - $950

Repairs and Maintenance